It was always love

All your Nows

Hey, so I think you should know
That in between the downpours
The laughing realisations and sudden
Change of pace, fresh into the Unexpected
Where our former ‘para’ turned on a digm:
Regardless…it was always love.

Even before I could say, back then
In those days when the words died,
Shamefaced upon lips too scared to profess them
(For in profession, I felt there would be burdening
Or rejection; because I would have (rejected me)):
Regardless…it was always love.

Once I’d learned to say it Out Loud
Stutteringly at first, but with your eye-rolling
Blessing my attempts to convey what you already knew
I told you, with relative frequency, as I still do
For nothing (and everything) is different:
Regardless…it was always love.

Then after that first, electric night –
The suddenness which took us by surprise
And subsequent good-natured blaming of the other
For the alteration (though it was totally you) –
How much we both enjoyed the change of pace:
Regardless…it was always love.

No matter the time or distance passed
Things unsaid, or thoughts or deeds undone
That which we did was right and good and fed
Unknown hungers, and left us filled
With delicious memories and treasured Nows:
Regardless…it was always love.

Now I see you in dual vision
As I always have done, love, but now
With eyes attuned to your beauty, lit by your smile
One foot firmly planted in sense memory
The taste of your kiss, your body yielding to my touch:
Regardless…it was always love.

Let tomorrow’s Nexts bring what they may
No expectations to bind (just hopes to mark me)
I’ll keep eyes peeled for Ones, For Nows, and will be
Quite free to feel – for you, or for whomever –
I would have and will, cherish you anyway:
Regardless…it will always be love.


27 comments on “It was always love

  1. bobcabkings says:

    “It was always love” stirs whole galleries of memory
    Faces, moments, findings and loosings
    A day here, a year or decade there
    and, yes, the learning to say
    what it always was and ever will be
    even for those who have gone

    Thanks, Lizzi

    Liked by 1 person

  2. valj2750 says:

    It IS always love!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rica@ Yoga Mat Monkey says:

    I always enjoy poetry, and appreciate those who are brave enough to share these shadows of their hearts. Thank you for this lovely piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Linda Kay says:

    Wonderful job with your poem this morning. I’m trying to write a haiku a day right now. Yikes!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. lesliesholly says:

    This made me smile. I love the story-telling aspect of it, and a couple of the lines took me back to my own falling-in-love days. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lrconsiderer says:

      Awh thank you Leslie. You just made me smile. I’m glad you caught the story to it, and I don’t know whether ‘falling’ in love is really where I was going so much as that love was always there anyway…but I really love how poetry is so open to interpretation. I think that’s partly what makes it so special, as a reader.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Well. Damn. I see this from so many different perspectives, each lovely with a tinge of the unknown, the nexts, the feels… really really awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lrconsiderer says:

      Why thank you. And yes – I love poetry for how open to interpretation it can be…there’s no right answer, just individual perspective and a dash of whatever it was I intended in the first place 😉

      Glad you like it 🙂


  7. I absolutely LOVE this poem! In the end, regardless of what happened or didn’t happen, you are able to see that love was present. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jsackmom says:

    I love this poem it conjures up past memories of my own that led me to falling in love and the eventual heartbreak because life wouldn’t allow us to be together. *Sigh* he was a wonderful piece of my past. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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