Two Shoes Tuesday… Thanks Josie
Years spent
struggling to ready myself
for a resolution
that never came.
Silent prayer-
Grant me the serenity
to believe
there are no answers.
First flight is imminent
unprepared, vulnerable,
Pushed from the nest
grasping at branches while I flap my wings.
Memories of your touch,
your scent,
the stories and parables into the night,
crying in the others embrace-
Somehow you stayed.
for an instant
I couldn’t remember your face.
Im not ready
This is an entry into Two Shoes Tuesday… The prompt was “Ready.”

16 comments on “Two Shoes Tuesday… Thanks Josie

  1. Considerer says:

    All very beautiful, until the sudden heart-stopping panic at the end.

    Very evocatively done, my friend.


  2. oldegg says:

    He looks a bit young to have attempted his first flight. I bet his siblings pushed him out. Let's hope he launched over water and can find his way back. Your ending turning it to a human emotion was most poignant.


  3. Mary Hill says:

    Really pretty. I love the photo too. Is it yours? Can't wait to read more poetry by The Well Tempered Bards. 🙂


  4. Zoe Byrd says:

    Thanks Lizzi… It was hard to write this one… Im glad you “felt” the panic…that's kinda what I wanted at the end.


  5. Zoe Byrd says:

    Thank you , sir! Every difficult moment feels like that first flight. I think youre right that little guy looked as unprepared as I felt.


  6. Zoe Byrd says:

    actually Mary I did this at my desk before work and in a rush I meant to go back with the photo credit…nope not mine…


  7. Zoe Byrd says:

    I will look forward to seeing you back here… thanks for the read!


  8. Considerer says:

    It bloody worked…


  9. Zoe Byrd says:

    🙂 that's what it felt like when that happened…


  10. A change of mind – that's what I see.

    Happy Two Shoes Tuesday from the Philippines! ;o)


  11. psychochef says:

    Z, this is my favorite poem of yours so far. Particularly from /Somehow you stayed/ through the final line. Beautiful work. Karen


  12. Il love this poem, Zoe. I think that we never quite feel ready to let go and trust in life, to just fly into the wind and see where it carries us. Sometimes we have to make that leap of faith, but it is so scary. We have to learn to trust ourselves more… and to have faith that it will all be ok.


  13. McGuffy Ann says:

    I tried to comment yesterday, but had computer connection issues.
    I really felt this poem. Beautifully written, it is so very genuine and relatable.


  14. Fly birdie, fly! : )


  15. Sabina Rijal says:

    Awesome blog!!!
    Can we follow each other via gfc bloglovin and G+?
    Follow me and leave me a comment so that I can follow back.


  16. Shamu Boo says:

    So much emotional punch here. Strong, powerful, vivid and wonderful. Winsome dread,

