#OctPoWriMo Day 5-Denied


Storm Warnings

By Jesi Scott


~ Fate whispers to the warrior, “You cannot withstand the storm.”

And the warrior replies, “I am the storm.”



He never saw it coming,

Never saw the clouds crowding the sky.

He never heard the thunder,

And the warning it decried.


He simply kept on going

And ignored the rising wind.

Even as the rain fell,

All he did was grin.


No matter to him the lightning strikes,

No need to be afraid;

A little huff and puff and noise

Leaves him undismayed.


Even as the water rises

And floods his barricaded door,

He never thinks to ask for mercy.

What does he have to answer for?


Forget the clouds that fill her eyes,

Reject her feelings with disdain;

Scorn the rain your words made her cry,

Label all her thoughts inane.


Take no notice of her racing pulse

Whenever you grasp her breast;

You’ve convinced yourself her no’s are yeses,

That she’s yours to molest.


And when in time she’s had enough,

You cannot say you were not warned.

We never said you were the warrior;

We said, “Beware the storm.”


* No explanations. Today we write about being denied.