Medical Mutiny

30 years ago:
Scanning for signs of betrayal-
Evidence of treason.
Justifying a massive retaliative strike-
Chemical warfare,
Evil for evil.
We lose the battle,
We win the war

20 years ago:
Treasonous cells having never left,
lay in wait to attack
the weakened ground gained
in the decade long defensive.
New science, more chemicals,
Cloned soldiers-
The battle is won-
The war rages on.

10 years ago:
Has any man-made offensive
raged so long?
Covert operations- fickle bastards,
sneak attack.
The invaders have wreaked havoc
on the mother land.
Difficult to comprehend –
this strike may decide the war.
We are stronger-weaker than before-
but stronger.

All defensive operations
have moved north.
I live in my head.
These mutant cells continue their efforts
to evict my spirit.
Ignorant of self-destruction-
unaware they commit hara-kiri.
The soul will live on unencumbered.

21 comments on “Medical Mutiny

  1. lrconsiderer says:

    Keep winning battles, my friend.


  2. Sarah says:

    Beautiful and strong.


  3. The war to overcome your spirit is one they cannot win. You will always be you… today… tomorrow, and ever after my friend. Those creepy invaders can’t steal what makes you You, and ultimately, that is all that ever matters. You are one of the strongest warriors I know, having battled on for so long, I have no doubt that your star will at long last shine brilliantly in the night sky, and I’ll be watching for you! XOXO


  4. Fida says:

    I love that last stanza!


  5. Linda Kay says:

    Not sure how to respond here, but certainly hope that whatever battles you are fighting you will be the winner! God bless.


  6. LauraALord says:

    I have no words. I just want to hug you.


  7. Yes, Zoe. Our souls will live on unencumbered, for certain. Well said, my friend.


  8. ~hugs~
    may peace infect your soul.


  9. Christine says:

    I’m with Jessica. Peace to you! Your spirit is too great to be conquered. It’s been wonderful doing OctPo with you again!


  10. Rod E. Kok says:

    Here’s a bunch of e-hugs for you!! {}{}{}{} stay strong! Oh, and I love ‘fickle bastards’. That line struck my funny bone for some silly reason. Excellent piece, Zoe.


  11. Dawn D says:

    I hope those fickle cells skiddaddle and you find peace in your body and your life.
    This is a very powerful poem!
    All the best to you.

